Friday, March 2, 2012

It's... ALIVE!

I'm finally starting my very own horror blog. After years of following many of the best ones out there I figured I'd throw in my two cents. I plan to get the first REAL post written on Monday night. It's hard to fit in blogging with my busy schedule of work, drinking too much, watching bad horror movies and being a freaky little deviant. But I'm excited! And I'm sure you are too. (All both of you.)

So what do you have to look forward to here? My opinions on horror movies from the very newest to the classics, my utter loathing for sparkly vampires and badly written torture porn (for someone who enjoys S&M style torture as a hobby I'm oddly disgusted by this genre - at least when it's done poorly and purely for shock value as seems to be the trend lately), my long, rambling asides on things like how seeing Poltergeist as a weird, twitchy little kid helped mold me into the horror loving woman I am today and, of course, cute pictures of my hermit crabs.

Hope to share more with you very soon. Until then, I give you Waldorf:


  1. Welcome! Can't wait to see what you do, especially if it involves dressing up your hermit crabs!

    1. Life really got in the way. But I'm back and ready to get started and I've become a crazy hedgehog lady, Oh yes, there WILL be dressed up (and decidedly unamused) hedgehogs.

  2. Thanks muchly! Sorry life got so in the way with my false start here but I figure my favorite season is the perfect time to rise from my grave.
