Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quickie catch-up on Horror Challenge... Days 4 - 9

[SPOILERS! If you haven't seen Cabin in the Woods, don't read on!]

30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 4:
Favorite final girl: Dana from Cabin in the Woods. Not only is she badass and takes a hell of a beating but she's still got the presence of mind at the very end to say "Fuck the whole world." My kinda girl.

30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 5: Characters you most want to have a twisted, depraved fiveway with: (note: the original question was 'Character you think is secretly gay' but I find that to be dull and mildly offensive, thus I'm substituting my own, OVERTLY offensive one.) My fantasy horror character fourway... Pinhead, Headless Horseman, Pyramid Head and Angela from the Night of The Demons remake - in her human or demon form (preferably both).


30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 6: Character you want to fuck: Woohoo! I get to choose yet one more. Okay since you already know my Top Four, let's round it out with...

Anglique from Hellraiser IV - I bet she'd be great with a whip. I'd just have to have a little talk with all the Cenobites about the importance of respecting safewords. ;)

30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 7: Favorite villain (human):

This is a tough one for me. I prefer supernatural horror. Give me demons, werewolves, un-sparkly vampires and ghosts and ghouls of all kinds over a human villain. But if I MUST choose, then I've got to go with a pair of them... Steven and Evelyn Stockard-Price from the 1999 remake of House on Haunted Hill. What can I say? Their seething hatred for one another gives me warm fuzzies. 

30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 8: Character you would want as your friend: This was a tough one. I'm going to have to go with Shaun from Shaun of the Dead. Much like all of my IRL friends, he's hardcore, funny and loyal as hell.

Hell, even if I became a zombie, Shaun would still hang out and play Portal with me. ♥

30 Day Horror Challenge Strikes Back Day 9: Your Personal Top 5 Underrated Horror Films (This on was originally 'Most Offensive Character' but that kinda bored me so I'm again substituting my own question.) So for underrated horror flicks, in no particular order...

1. Event Horizon
2. My Bloody Valentine (the original)
3. The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh
4. Night of the Demons (the remake)
5. Dreamscape

Note that these aren't the best horror movies ever made, just a few fun little flicks that I think are a good time and don't get as much love as they deserve.

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